Hello, Hope this will help for my friends who is trying to use data pool for dynamic values.If you want to use any run time values in between scripts then you will be looking for the functions to read/write/create datapool cells dynamically. /************ Dp row count *************************/ IDatapoolIterator ite; ite.dpCurrent().getEquivalenceClass().getRecordCount(); /***************** to set cell value **************/ IDatapoolIterator it; ((DatapoolCell) it.dpCurrent().getCell("RunTimeSheetForContainers")).setCellValue("Y"); /*********** to load CSV files (csv to Datapool)*******************************/ public IDatapoolIterator LoadCSV(String Sname) { File fname=getFileName(Sname); IDatapool dp=DatapoolUtilities. loadCSV (fname, "," , true ); ...